Kiepenkerl GaLaBau Professional Lawn Catalogue Art. Nr. 999279

REGULATION SEED MIXES NOTE: The Nebelung company reserves the right to adjust the mixtures according to the availability of species and varieties within the given quality level. RSM 2.3 Utility lawn – Sports lawn with Poa supina Use as with RSM 2.3. The inclusion of Poa supina improves the lawn’s tolerance for shade. Art. 623507 10 kg sack RSM 2.3 Utility lawn – Sports lawn without Poa supina RSM 2.3 is designed for intensive use, e.g. as sports fields, sunbathing lawns, home gardens and public green spaces. The mixture can be used universally. Art. 801080 10 kg sack Mixture ratios in weight percentages Festuca rubra commutata 20 % Festuca rubra trichophylla 10 % Festuca rubra rubra 10 % Lolium perenne 20 % Lolium perenne 10 % Poa pratensis 15 % Poa pratensis 10 % Poa supina 5 % Mixture ratios in weight percentages Agrostis capillaris 5%, Festuca trachyphylla 10%, Festuca rubra commutata 15%, Festuca rubra rubra 15%, Festuca rubra trichophylla 15%, Lolium perenne 3%, Poa pratensis 20% Further components: Achillea millefolium 0.50%, Bellis perennis 0.30%, Centaurea jacea 0.50%, Crepis capillaris 0.50%, Dianthus deltoides 1%, Galium mollugo 0.20%, Galium verum 0.20%, Leontodon autumnalis 0.50%, Leontodon hispidus 0.80%, Leucanthemum vulgare 2%, Lotus corniculatus 1%, Medicago lupulina 0.50%, Plantago media 1%, Potentilla verna 0.50%, Prunella vulgaris 2.-%, Salvia pratensis 1.50%, Sanguisorba minor 1%, Thymus pulegioides 1.50%, Trifolium incarnatum 1%, Trifolium pratense 0.50% Mixture ratios in weight percentages Festuca rubra commutata 20 % Festuca rubra trichophylla 15 % Festuca rubra rubra 15 % Lolium perenne 20 % Lolium perenne 10 % Poa pratensis 10 % Poa pratensis 10 % RSM 2.4 Utility lawn – Herb lawns The inclusion of herbs allows for the creation of a biodiverse natural lawn. For ideal development, the locations should be as low in nutrients as possible. Mowing should be limited to 4–8 times per year. Art. 623521 1 kg plastic bag 4–5 cm 25 g/m2 5–7 cm 25 g/m2 4–5 cm 10–15 g/m2 12