BEE-FRIENDLY MIXTURES In our stripped-down, species-impoverished cultural landscape, our honeybees, as well as other nectar-seeking insects, can barely find enough food any more. With our special mixtures, which bloom over long periods, offer the bees an excellent source of nutrition. This supplementary food source can also be created in small areas and at the same time adds optical value to the landscape. Bee-food Plants – perennial This selection of perennial varieties is a nutritional basis for honeybees and wild bees. The pollen and nectar are a crucial primary food source for the bees. This mixture contains plants that are capable of producing particularly high quantities of pollen and nectar and thus ensure a good flow of honey. Art. 43961 per kg Art. 4589 Portion bag approx. 2 g/m² up to approx. 1.60 cm Bee-food Plants – annual This species composition is a nutritional basis for honeybees and wild bees. Pollen and nectar are crucial for bees. Pollen serves as a primary food source. Nectar and honeydew is used by the bees to produce honey. Art. 43947 per kg Art. 4588 Portion bag 3 g/m² up to 2 ma 52