HINWEIS Die Firma Nebelung behält sich vor, die Mischungen je nach Verfügbarkeit der Arten und Sorten innerhalb des vorgegebenen Qualitätsniveaus anzupassen. HORSE PASTURES Compared to grazing with cows, a horse pasture is exposed to specially heavy wear and tear. Horses bite deeper and prefer a stronger feed selection. Heavy stress under sharp hooves and the bald patches that often develop make it easier for undesirable plant species to move in. In the Country Horse mixtures, the components are all put together to meet the special requirements of horse pasture. Country Horse 2117 Horse Green Mixture for heavily stressed horse pastures and paddocks. Horse Green is a base for juicy green pastures with healthy feed. This is also possible where the sod is exposed to especially heavy wear and tear through sharp trampling and deep biting. The forage grasses in this mix are selected to meet the horses’ high demands for tasty and healthy feed. Art. 803022 10 kg sack Country Horse 2116 Brandenburg Horse Pasture The durable mixture for dry grassland. It is a combination of short and long grasses for hay and silage production in the first cut with subsequent grazing. Developed together with the Brandenburgische Haupt- und Landgestüt Neustadt (Dosse) stud farm for meadows in dry locations. Art. 803053 10 kg sack 4 g/m2 4 g/m2 Mixture ratios in weight percentages German ryegrass, pasture type: mid 24 % Meadow fescue 28 % Bluegrass 20 % Timothy 18 % Red fescue 10 % Mixture ratios in weight percentages German ryegrass, grassland type 25 % German ryegrass, pasture type: late 25 % Bluegrass 20 % Timothy 20 % Red fescue 10 % BIOTOPE, PASTURE & WILD FIELD MIXTURES33